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Author Topic: RA stepper doesn't responde  (Read 2176 times)


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RA stepper doesn't responde
« on: March 06, 2016, 21:37:07 »

Hi Tom, I have an issue on my DIY AstroEQ. Sometimes happen that the RA stepper doesn't responde to commands via EQMOD keypad's W7E buttons. These are the steps: press the W or E button continuosly, after about 10-20 seconds (variable) the Stat LED turns off and releasing the button doesn't stop the stepper that continue to rotate (200x slew condition), after 4-5 seconds the HC-06 blinks for half a second and then the Stat LED become continuosly on. After that the stepper is stopped by a button press but it doesn't respond to commands anymore, I have to reset the board. This behaviour seem to happen randomly (not always). The only concern I have is that I made some pin's reassignement for design convenience (see https://sites.google.com/site/gigimysite/home/astro/astroeq for my board layout). In brief, on my board there is the RA Step pin at Mega's pin 9, the DEC Step pin at 15 and the Stat LED at 12. May be this can be the problem? Or does it can be related to data overflow?