Hi Tom
I meant EQmod not astromod. was getting a lil irate at time sorry.
I ran the configuration utility but when I tried to test it, EQMOD loaded, however nothing would happen when direction buttons pressed.
the motors did move when I clicked on park.
installed EQmod and ASCOM, then connected up ASTROEQ (motor cables first, USB to comp then Power), Astroeq installed to com port 3 (windows didn't ask for any drivers ), ran ASTROEQ config program, loaded the config file for an eq5 skywatcher mount. followed the instructions on this site iirc selected com3 and board was set to astroeq V4 -EQ5 board.
Checked for updates, loaded configuration and then clicked next/done and eqmod window opened.
NWES buttons had no response from mount, clicking on park button made motors move.
at that point I unplugged ASTROEQ and powered it down.