Looking at your numbers, it may be simply that your mount gear ratio is too load. The reported resolution is only 1.41 arcseconds/step - that basically means that for each microstep of the motor, the mount will move over 1.4 arcseconds. Ideally that number needs to be <1, and the lower the better.
The jumping of the cursor in Stellarium is probably due to the fact that it takes a little while for the AstroEQ to report its current position - it is tracking and updating its position correctly internally, but EQMOD only polls for a new position every 100ms or more.
The blurriness/shaking will be because the mount is moving quite a long way with each step - it will move 1.4 arcsec, then stop, then moving another 1.4 arcsec, then stop, and so forth.
If possible I would look in to increasing either the gear ratio or getting some 0.9 degree steppers or both - basically to try and push that resolution number down. Halving the step angle or doubling the gear ratio would halve the number of arcseconds per step.