I have tried to upload the beta version 8.10 with AstroEQ-ConfigUtility-LINUX and it seems that everything is fine except the one thing. The odd behavior of the motor in Declination. Changes of different speed modes (1x, 2x, 4x, ... 700x) are OK in different micro step setups (8/16/32), but during start of the pointing calibration, the DEC reacts to a short pulse by switching to full speed, so that the star jumps out of picture after the first iteration.
Similar to it the ST4 pulses for DEC goes at full speed. For this reason, I can not use correction for the DEC axis during photo session. This behavior is identical and tested on 3pcs of the Arduino Mega 2560 even on the recently purchased AstroEQ PCB + IC, DRV8825 (tested modified for smoother operation, even without modification). I notice this problem from the version 8.x. In previous versions of 7.x everything was fine and it worked entire season. I use AstroEQ for remote control of homemade mount in KStars configuration (INDI, EKOS, EQMOD on Linux, and Raspberry PI3) and I can not currently realize where the error is.
Thanks, Aletel