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Author Topic: Cg-4 mount with steppers  (Read 3592 times)


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Cg-4 mount with steppers
« on: October 18, 2017, 01:30:04 »

Hey guys,

Loving the astroeq!

I originally bought the astroeq and some steppers with the plan to 3d print brackets and belt gears similar to the plans on the site.

I picked up some steppers (https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/hybrid-stepper-motor/nema-14-bipolar-18deg-18ncm-255ozin-08a-574v-35x35x34mm-4-wires-14hs13-0804s.html?search=14HS13-0804S) and built up my mounts.  First test the mount didnt move.  I adjusted the current limit and managed to get the mount moving, but the steppers got so hot it started warping my plastic mounts.  After reading the faq on setting current limit and getting it within spec the mount would not move again. 

So I was wondering if i should look at adjusting my mount or changing my gear ratio? (currently 15 tooth on motor and 40 on mount) or should i put the steppers in the parts box for another project and buy bigger?

Side note the drive kit for the cg-4 has no problem moving the mount around.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Cg-4 mount with steppers
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2017, 12:19:15 »

I don't kown if you already noticed it, but from my experience in this matter I've seen that the current adjustment is very critical. I mean, a very, very tinny movement in the screew will drive into a high variation in the current, so if you haven't done it already, use a voltimeter to perform the current adjustment as precise as you can.

good look and regards,