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Author Topic: About a TMC2100 support  (Read 2335 times)


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About a TMC2100 support
« on: October 20, 2017, 13:28:30 »

I checked a latest beta software because it support TMC2100.
But I cannot check it because I have EEPROM issue.
So I back ported the function of TMC2100 to previous version of software.
It works fine for TMC2100 but it is so noisy sound at my environment.
My environment is as following.
Vixen GP2 mount
Skywatcher EQ5 Upgrade kit motor (200step)
Arduino MEGA 2560 Rev.3
TMC2100-BOB board
Motor voltage is 12V
I downloaded AstroEQ software on 14th Oct.

I checked AstroEQ.c and I found that it use 16x spreadCycle and 2x spreadCycle combination.
The both mode(sidereal/goto rate) make very high unstable frequency big noise.
So I changed it to 16x stealthChop and 4x stealthChop combination because TMC2100 does not have 2x stealthChop.
I have no issue about a motor noise when I use stealthChop mode.
I cannot say stealthChop is better than spreadCycle because it has torque and sound noise tradeoff issue exits.
But my higher priority is sound noise, so I choose stealthChop.

I had a issue about gear change function.
A microstep ratio between normal speed and high speed should be 8:1(32:4 / 16:2 etc...)
So 16x stealthChop and 4x stealthChop is not match above requirement.
I fixed the issue.
But it is not general purpose modification for every driver chip.
A better modification method is that you need to change ConfiguUtility, EEPROM format and AstroEQ Firmware I think.

I have several question about my 4x high speed support modification .
Q1: Should I modify generateAccelerationTable funcion of AstroEQUploader.pde of ConfigUtility?
  I cannot understand "while (stopIVal <= 8) {".

Q2: Should I change "decelerationLength = decelerationLength * 3" in gotoMode function of AstroEQ.c?
  I do not know where "8" of sqr(8) come from.

Q3: Is the following my modification in gotoMode function of AstroEQ.c correct for 4x high speed?
Code: [Select]
if(dirMagnitude == 4){
HVal &= 0xFFFFFFFC; //clear the lower bits to avoid overshoot.
if(dirMagnitude == 4){
halfHVal &= 0xFFFFFFFC; //clear the lower bits to avoid overshoot.
  A remainder of HVal divided  by dirMagnitude should be 0.

Q4: Should I change the following line in ISR(TIMER1_CAPT_vect), ISR(TIMER3_CAPT_vect) function in AstroEQ.c?
Code: [Select]
  accelTableRepeatsLeft[DC] = cmd.accelTable[DC][accelIndex].repeats * 3 + 2;
  accelTableRepeatsLeft[RA] = cmd.accelTable[RA][accelIndex].repeats * 3 + 2;
  I cannot understand "+2+.

Q5: Please check attached AstroEQ.c
  You can find  the modification point from TMC2100_SPREAD_CYCLE and TMC2100_STEALTH_CHOP.
  In particular, I hope to get a comment of a part of "// I am not sure if this is correct." .

Q6: Do you know why MS1-0 and MS1-1 cannot to be FLOAT state at Arduino Mega2560?
  I tried to make a FLOAT state to MS1-0 and MS1-1 port. But I could not it. And I found it from your code.
   And then, I connect between MS3-0(1) and M0. and it works fine.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 13:38:16 by Taka »