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Author Topic: iAstroHub compatability  (Read 4673 times)


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iAstroHub compatability
« on: October 29, 2017, 16:19:44 »


first thanks for this great solution!

I have an EQ-5 which I succesfully fitted with two Bi-Polar 12V / 0.4 A Nema steppers and using L298N bridge. I wrote a simple arduino program getting RA-tracking.

In future I like to spend the system an AstroEQ. For getting everything to run I want to add iAstroHub (https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/551998-iastrohub-30-iot-for-astrophotography). This is a Raspberry-PI based linux software stack which should be able to connect to AstroEQ.

Has anybody out there experiences with the combination iAstroHub / AstroEQ?

If I am right, it should be easy as plug in the USB-connector from AstroEQ into the Raspberry-PI.
iAstroHub is INDI based. I already posted this question in the iAstroHub-forum at cloudynights.com (https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/551998-iastrohub-30-iot-for-astrophotography/?p=8178938). I should also add, that there is ann EqMod-based Modification of iAstroHub (http://thx59.free.fr).

If this works, it also makes SkySafari run with AstroEQ via iAstroHub.

https://www.avvp.de (Astronomische Vereinigung Vorderpfalz)
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany


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Re: iAstroHub compatability
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2018, 13:42:13 »

Hello Axel,

Per the latest SkySafari 6 pro release, AstroEQ and EQmod is specifically not supported. With iAstroHub, AstroEQ and iAstroHub do work over EQMOD. I image all versions of SkySafari have the same stricture.

EQmod is not supported with SkySafari as it is a motor controller. AstroEQ would have an ASCOM driver for a Basic Encoder System to work with SkySafari thru iAstroHub. SkySafari and iAstroHub are hand controller aware apps. Hand controllers are the bridge to the motors. The commands and mount particulars are stored in eeprom on the controller.

With iAstroHub, the EQMOD setup requires intimate knowledge and calculations to be the hand controller. This will take time.


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Re: iAstroHub compatability
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2018, 13:52:29 »


thanks for the answer. I figured a lot of things out by now ;-)

iAstroHub not usable for me, I switched to KStars, Ekos and INDI on the astroberry distribution (Raspberry PI) which works with AstroEQ (I have some glitches in the moment, but I will get them done).

Per the latest SkySafari 6 pro release, AstroEQ and EQmod is specifically not supported. With iAstroHub, AstroEQ and iAstroHub do work over EQMOD. I image all versions of SkySafari have the same stricture.

Nope, there are differences. I have SkySafari 5 Pro and it works. Problems occur after that version.

EQmod is not supported with SkySafari as it is a motor controller. AstroEQ would have an ASCOM driver for a Basic Encoder System to work with SkySafari thru iAstroHub.

SkySafari is not limited on ASCOM. Indi works too. There is a SkySafari Module.

SkySafari and iAstroHub are hand controller aware apps. Hand controllers are the bridge to the motors. The commands and mount particulars are stored in eeprom on the controller. With iAstroHub, the EQMOD setup requires intimate knowledge and calculations to be the hand controller. This will take time.

Could be, but is obsolete now because I simply can apply any joystick to the astroberry, apply and configure the INDI-joystick module and voila ;-)

https://www.avvp.de (Astronomische Vereinigung Vorderpfalz)
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany