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Author Topic: I need a controller  (Read 1693 times)


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I need a controller
« on: June 03, 2018, 11:07:27 »

Hi all.
New to this forum so hi to all.
I am undertaking the refurbishment of an old 18 inch Newt / Cass  observatory telescope which sits on a massive polar disc fork mount which I have just purchased and saved from the scrap yard.
Due to the antiquated electric motor drive system I am going to upgrade this to run on stepper motors.
I need something to drive the motors and Astro EQ looks like the ideal solution.
I have been using EQMOD with my NEQ6 for years and quite frankly I would not use anything else.
Being a virtual technophobe i love its simplicity.
Now I understand EQMOD does not support polar aligned fork mounts but what I need is the ability to connect PHD guiding to the scope.
The mount has a push to facility so goto is not important.
So to my question.
I need one of these box of tricks but do not have the technical ability to build one.
Does anyone have one I can buy or could anyone build me one please.
I will be running Nema 23 stepper motors so it needs to be capable of handling 24 volts.
Many thanks in advance.