Okay, so I had my wife go over my work and she approved.
Powered it up and was able to update/configure.
Had downloaded the wrong piece of EQMOD. Now have something called EQASCOM, and once I configured the com port, AstroEQ now brings up EQMOD.
When I click on N, the stepper motor kicks like one step. When I click multiple times the motor moves but it is rough, like hitting with a hammer.
The motors were wired incorrectly. I thought it was 1A/2A and 1B/2B but it's actually 1A/1B and 2A/2B.
I noticed every time I open AstroEQ it leaves a lot of stuff blank even after it reads from the device (motor step angle, gear ratios, etc.).
I guess the config stuff doesn't matter because I have things running with Stellarium on the bench.