I built the Astro EQ PCB a few years ago - the interface chip is labelled "AstroEQ-USB 27/03/17" I used DRV882x drivers, allegedly from Pololu. The latest firmware was downloaded/uploaded yesterday.
On Sidereal tracking (32 steps) the motor steps forwards, then backward, then forwards, then backwards.......oscillating forever. Different motor current settings give different movements, but it always oscillates.
Sidereal with 1 step and 4 steps also oscillates.
Slewing oscillates, but at 800X the motor will spin. However it can spin in the other direction during the next slew! The direction of 800X spin seems to vary according to where it stopped. Also it oscillates until the software has ramped up to almost full speed, then it spins.
I wonder if I have cooked the motor? It did get very hot, then I realised the wiring was wrong and I may have had the two phases in series for a while. OOps

Perhaps the driver(s) is damaged?
Would current/voltage limiting in the power supply cause oscillation? It is rated at 1A, but I have not measured the voltage when the motor steps.
Something is very wrong, as the motor is not under load. I'm testing it on the workbench with a bit of tape on the shaft.
I wonder if a stepper motor test circuit is worth building? I think I have an L293 shield for the Arduino somewhere.
Any help is appreciated.