I had a pre-built AstroEQ controller (by Tom) with added-on TMC2100s but, my laptop croaked one day (npt while using the telescope). Fast forward a year or so, I've set up a new laptop (fresh Windows 10 Pro) just for the scope. Physically, the scope and equip hasn't changed at all and was let in good running condition. After setting all the software back up, using my old/working config file, and allowing AstroEQ to update to the newest firmware (multiple times), I am having issues. Everything connects and runs fine however, the motors just groan loudly (without moving) on any speed other than slew/high speed. Even then it groans for a few seconds before starting to move as normal. I did a dance with swapping out different firmwares (as far back as I could), adjusted vref, checked wires, and even switched back to the DRV8825s. After a full day of trying everything I can think of, I am stumped. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!