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Author Topic: First light  (Read 3373 times)


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First light
« on: August 13, 2019, 15:36:56 »

Finally, the clouds went away and I got my first chance to try out my DIY AstroEQ on real targets. I used my "light" ES80 80mm APO w/Nikon D5300.

PA: Sharpcap Pro 3.2
Guiding: ASI120mm and PHD2
Image capture: Nikon D5300 via BackYardNikon
Mount: LX70 w/AstroEQ EQMOD Stellarium

I had some issues with GOTO's. Initial GOTO the moon was pretty accurate, but M31 was not. I believe this is my unfamiliarity with EQMOD.

Guiding was interesting once I figured out EQMOD RA and DEC guide rates. Once the mount settled it seemed to guide okay especially since I discovered the DEC belt was actually loose. I'll check the RA belt today as it's under a cover presently.

Slewing is so much quieter than my wife's "coffee grinder" 5 but not as quiet as my CEM25p, but it's pleasant.

Focus - OMG last night was a challenge even with the Bahtinov mask.

I did find M31 manually - this is a single 60s ISO200 exposure: