Hi Rick,
Sorry it takes me some time to respond, I am exceedingly busy at the moment..
What do you mean by "EQMOD can't find any ports"? I presume you've set up the EQMOD settings and selected which COM port it should be using?
Sometimes switching between versions can cause problems with the EQMOD.ini file. You could try making a backup of the EQMOD configuration and starting fresh - say rename "%APPDATA\EQMOD\EQMOD.ini" to something like "%APPDATA\EQMOD\EQMOD.ini.bak", the load EQMOD again and it should create a new file. If that doesn't help, you can rename the backup back to restore your previous setup.
I presume having downloaded the latest config utility that you've run the update firmware button to ensure the latest firmware is on the AstroEQ?
What does the status light of the AstroEQ do when you try to connect EQMOD?
When you configure the AstroEQ settings, you'll need to make sure that the Advanced HC Detect option is set to disabled (the default) as the old controllers are missing a resistor which is used as part of that detection.
With little information to go on, I can't offer any more advice.