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Author Topic: New user with 2012HEQ5PRO  (Read 1756 times)


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New user with 2012HEQ5PRO
« on: May 02, 2021, 14:05:12 »

Hi Everyone,
I am new to this forum as well as AstroEQ. I have a 9 year old HEQ5-PRO Synscan which has now gone bust. After looking at the cost of a new board from FLO, I remembered that a friend had successfully used AstroEQ for this Chinese EQ3-1 mount. After a prolonged discussion with him, I decided to jump into the bandwagon and have ordered myself the Arduino Mega, couple of driver board etc etc for a DIY AstroEQ board which i will house in a 3D printed case and bolt onto the mount.
Before I begin, i would be very garteful if someone could tell me if 135:1 is good enough gear ratio for the mount or a more precise number is required? Anything else that I need to know please?
Looking forward to your replies,