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Author Topic: astro eq and bluetooth  (Read 7606 times)


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astro eq and bluetooth
« on: March 17, 2015, 16:58:30 »

is there a way to connect the astro eq box via bluetooth for comms to the laptop



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Re: astro eq and bluetooth
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2015, 21:13:42 »

Hi Bob,

Not directly. There was originally planned to be a header for a Bluetooth module, but because of space constraints (trying to keep the trace widths large enough to be DIY friendly) it had to be removed from the design. But even if it was there, I am yet to find any Bluetooth modules that support 5V logic levels (they all seem to be 3.3V).

I have however been planning (and in fact recently finished designing the PCB for) an AstroEQTooth module which would be installed in place of the USB-Serial chip (the module has the same chip on it but in surface mount, so you can still use USB).
I still need to build one to verify it works, and also work out how much the parts/PCB will cost.
It's designed to work with V4.3 and later AstroEQ controllers (ones which have an expansion header on the PCB), but it will be possible to use it will older controllers as well.

I have some time off work over Easter, so will be having another look at this then.
Tom Carpenter (AstroEQ)


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Re: astro eq and bluetooth
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2017, 04:15:12 »

Hi Bob,

Not directly. There was originally planned to be a header for a Bluetooth module, but because of space constraints (trying to keep the trace widths large enough to be DIY friendly) it had to be removed from the design. But even if it was there, I am yet to find any Bluetooth modules that support 5V logic levels (they all seem to be 3.3V).

I have however been planning (and in fact recently finished designing the PCB for) an AstroEQTooth module which would be installed in place of the USB-Serial chip (the module has the same chip on it but in surface mount, so you can still use USB).
I still need to build one to verify it works, and also work out how much the parts/PCB will cost.
It's designed to work with V4.3 and later AstroEQ controllers (ones which have an expansion header on the PCB), but it will be possible to use it will older controllers as well.

I have some time off work over Easter, so will be having another look at this then.


I have used the HC-06 module with an atmega microcontroller in the past (on another project, not AstroEQ), and it's only the input-output signals what limits you to 3.3v. The module can work with a power supply of up to 6v. On top of that, the atmega will recognize a 3.3v input as a high level, so the only problem is the input to the HC-06 module, but that can be solved by simply adding a 3.3v zener from the module input to ground, and a resistor between the output of the atmega and the input of the HC-06 module. I made it work that way, and seems to be ok. I'll attach a screen capture of that part of the schematic, just in case, but it's very simple to make them work.

Bluetooth sounds interesting, as Sky Safari can control a Skywatcher Synscan, and AstroEQ seems to use the same protocol, right? So i suppose that by adding a bluetooth module to AstroEQ, you would only need an android smartphone with this app (or similar app that can control a telescope) to make it work without a computer. I think that the result of this combination would be very powerful. It's wireless, it has GPS, it has a huge object database, with a lot of information for every object, it has a very good screen with a sky chart that you can click, zoom, etc, and command your telescope to GO TO the selected object, or use the directional keys provided by the app. You can also know at any time where your telescope is ponting, all without having a computer with you. Not too bad.

EDIT: since i wrote this, i realized that sky safari uses the synta hand control protocol, not the motor controller protocol, which is what AstroEQ uses.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 20:42:50 by fsr »