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Author Topic: WIFI Adapter build - working with SynScan Desktop and Mobile Apps  (Read 3702 times)


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Hi All,

For anyone that's interested - i've implemented a WiFi bridge to the AstroEQ hardware that will connect to the Serial communication pins, but allow pairing/control from a Desktop running SkyWatcher's SynScan app, or Android Device running the SyScan mobile app.

The code is at: https://github.com/mikemurk/AstroEQ-WIFI

It's built on a Node ESP8266 card (this one specifically: https://https://amzn.to/3c6iTwk)

You may need to tweak the timeout settings in the App to get a connection... and the app is a bit "chatty" when establishing - but it does connect, and drive the scope.  I haven't had a chance to test it out properly yet, due to COVID restrictions (the Scope it is for is my father's and at the other end if the country) - but it all seems good on the bench.

Not supported: Bridging on to existing network, any AT commands other than report mode.




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Re: WIFI Adapter build - working with SynScan Desktop and Mobile Apps
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2023, 20:51:23 »

Hi Mike,
It has been more than 2 years since this post but I can confirm your code works. Thanks!
1) Newer versions of SynScan Pro are not compatible and they reply with "Negative Response".
2) Version SynScan Pro 1.19.12 for Windows works perfectly once the timeout in the app settings is changed to 5000.
3) The newest SynScan Pro for Android returns the same "Negative Response" and you'll need a phone or tablet running an old version of Android to be able to install SynScan Pro 1.19.12.apk (I haven't try this yet).
4) The resistors mentioned in the code (50ohm and 100ohm) are not necessary. Direct connection to the TX and RX pins on the Arduino Mega should be enough.
5) If you are going to replace the Bluetooth module with the NodeMCU ESP8266, you'll need to bypass any resistors installed between the RX and TX lines. Connect directly.

I'll keep investigating the "Negative Response" issue and report back if a solution is found.
