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Messages - arunasmazeika

Pages: [1]
Hi Tom,

Wiring is good, if I switch the motor cables then the RA motor works through the AstroEQ DEC output. The cables aren't the issue either as changing them from RA to DEC leads to the same result, only DEC controller works.

I've tried different slew speeds and the result is the same. This is all very strange as I cannot see anything wrong with the board.

Hello Tom,

I'm holding the mouse button on the virtual pad. All works for DEC.


DIY AstroEQ / Arduino RA motor moves about two steps and then stops
« on: January 16, 2017, 16:42:47 »
Hi guys,

I've recently built an Arduino AstroEQ using the etched board from GiGi (https://sites.google.com/site/gigimysite/home/astro/astroeq).

Photos here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B76jtIoq_J10LTYwRVM5MHczdGM?usp=sharing

The DEC motor works perfectly fine. However the RA motor will just move about two steps just after starting EQmod and clicking on the arrows and then won't move at all anymore. To reproduce the experience I need to disconnect EQmod, the 12V input and USB cable and start all over again. The RA motor will then move about 2 steps again before stopping for good.

I've checked every connection (the melted driver socket isn't damaged :) !), swapped cables and drivers and I cannot find what's wrong here. Everything looks good. Talked to GiGi over mail (he's been very helpful, thank you GiGi!) but so far we haven't been able to determine the cause. I've also tried another Arduino and I have the very same behavior. For now I'm only using the USB port for connecting the AstroEQ.

Any idea of what might be wrong with the board? It's funny that it tries to move and then stops right?

Thank you guys!

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Motor driver DIY non-Arduino AstroEQ
« on: October 12, 2016, 19:26:01 »
Hi Tom,

Thanks for your reply!

Cheers :)


DIY AstroEQ / Motor driver DIY non-Arduino AstroEQ
« on: October 11, 2016, 14:14:38 »

Simple question. Can I use a4988 drivers on the non-Arduino version of AstroEQ? I have low current step motors and microsteping simply doesn't work with DRV8825 drivers. It does with a4988 at 1/16 without issues.



DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino power jack
« on: September 12, 2016, 08:50:50 »
I'll think about all this.

Thanks Tom.

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino power jack
« on: September 11, 2016, 18:08:56 »
Hello Tom,

Thank you very much for your reply!

I perfectly understand what you say, and this was my initial thought as well. However, this could be dependent on the motor that gets used correct? In my case I'm using a 12V bi-polar stepper rated @0.4A (http://www.gotronic.fr/art-moteur-cnc1-878.htm).

The motor shouldn't pull more current than what it actually needs right? In this case (0.4A max) perhaps I could stick with the Arduino input instead of using my own. Thoughts?

Thanks again for everything Tom.



DIY AstroEQ / Arduino power jack
« on: September 10, 2016, 17:21:34 »

I was just wondering if could use the power jack supplied with the Arduino instead of adding my own through Vin. Is there a drawback while using the one provided with the Arduino?

I've already have a prototype working and tried both taking out the 12V input from Vin while using the Arduino supplied jack, all seems to work. I've also added the 12V as indicated in the schematics for testing purposes with the same results.

Could I just use the one provided with the Arduino as more convenient way to supply the input voltage to the drivers? or is it better to provide the input voltage through Vin as described in the schematics?

Thanks guys!


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