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Messages - photo444

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Yes, the 5V rail went back to 5V after removing DRV8825s. I tested with several DRV8825s, status of the drivers was identified/screened with the voltage at the EN pin.  V(EN)=5V is good, and <3V appeared 'BAD'.  Now I placed good drivers, and hope the controller will keep me busy with AP.

I will keep my eyes on the 100 microfarad electrolytic capacitor.

Thank you so much for the experienced and valid suggestions that helped me to fix it.


Hi Tom,

I have checked those you have suggested.
1. The resistor read through pins 2 and 4 of GPIO 1.0 k ohm. OK
2. The voltage appeared at input and output of the regulator: 12.3V (Input) and 11.7 (Output, too high) Your guess is right. I also found the transistor at the corner near the power input jack is very hot.
I also quickly made the HC, tried to move the mount using it, and no vail. This may be understandable due to the malfunction 2. above.  It seems a hardware problem rather than software.

I would await for your leading what to do next.

Thank you for your help.

Edit: I was mistaken the Schottky diode as a regulator. Measuring again showed input:11.7V, output:4.23V. The report of 2 above is wrong.  After a while, 4.23V became 3.96V, and the regulator is hot.

Hi Tom,

I am using EQMOD v2.0. V1.9 and 1.8 gave the same results.

Thanks for fast response.

Hi Tom,

After adding the resistor the controller showed the same malfunction as before. It accepted the configuration nicely, I ran CDC, connected to EQMOD, the EQMOD hand controller showed up nicely as the scope is parked, RA was ticking as usual. I selected a star to slew, it stuck again with the status LED slowly blinking, RA and DEC unchanged. And the Task Manager said that the EQMOD is not responding. I am sorry to report this.


Edit: A thought came to me when I was reading the recommended article, the controller is in the ST4 mode so it is looking for ST4 signal?  Is there a way to disable the ST4 stand alone mode? Just a thought.

Hi Tom,

To make sure, please check the picture if pins are correct.


Hi Tom,

It is great to hear from you at lighting speed. :D The board is V4.4-PTH. When I was scanning the discussion you have quoted, I thought it was not my case. I will add the resister and report here.

With many thanks,

Hi All,
I have been using an AstroEQ V4 DIY board for number of years flawlessly, but recently it stopped working. The 'Status' LED did not fast-blink anymore: When it was connected to PC (running CDC) the 'Status' LED is OFF, and when I tried to connect to EQMOD using the EQMOD_toolbox the 'Status' LED is slowly blinking as "EQMOD is not responding". And the 'Link' LED is blinking alright.
The board, however, can be flashed without any problems (even with the up-to-date V8.18). 
Thank you for your help.

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Custom Ratio Support
« on: December 31, 2014, 21:59:08 »
Receiving an AstroEQ a few days ago, now I have rigged up with my mount.
RA:144 Gear:4 Microstep:32 1.8deg
DEC:90 Gear:6 Mocrostep:32 1.8deg
The ET8 mount is slewing very faithfully, just waiting for clear nights for further trial.

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 15, 2014, 15:33:30 »
Fixing "Can't connect EQMOD' is very useful. It will prevent power cycling of the unit before usage.

I will be looking forward to hearing your finding over Mega 2560 firmware; I am expecting too much this Christmas!  :D

Many thanks, Tom,

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 15, 2014, 05:46:15 »
I just have tried again.
RA: 144*4=576, a1=576*200*32=3686400, 
DEC: 90*6=540, b1=540*200*32=3456000.
The gear ratio: RA=4 DEC=6
From Parked Position (DEC=90) to Mu UMa (41:30) gave my DEC reading of 56:00
The controller commanded 48:30 but the mount moved 34:00
From Mu UMa (41:30) to Jupiter (14:48) gave the DEC reading of 38:00
The controller commanded 41:30-14:48=26:42 but the mount moved 56-38=18
Now I pressed PARK to Home Position, DEC reads 90:00.

I entered right gear information (576:1 <- 144, 4 and 540:1 <- 90, 6), it still gives less movements than demands.

The ratio of 4 comes from 60/15, and 6 comes from 90/15.


DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 15, 2014, 00:56:14 »
Do you mean that the firmware is preset for the ratios (2.333333:1 and 3.33333:1)?  Can the setup program calculate for different ratios?  If it was preset for a particular ratio then I made a terrible mistake.  -Paul

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 14, 2014, 21:45:00 »
RA: worm=144 gear=4 Stepper (1.8deg) Microstepping=32
DEC: Worm=90 gear=6 Stepper (1.8deg) Microstepping=32

I was playing with other combinations as well, and all behave the same way. RAgear=42/15, DEC gear=4, and stepper(0.9deg), for example.

I have found OnStep on the net and it is working fine with the gear train.


DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 14, 2014, 00:53:07 »
I have checked the three pins with multimeter and the readings are according to the microstepping commands. And during slewing, it repeats and goes back to the same place accurately.  The trouble is that the scope is pointing wrong places.  As I said earlier, the movement is always some fraction of what it was told to move, both RA and DEC.

Do you have the source code for Arduino Mega? I think it is worth to check if you have.

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:16:56 »
It's not gear ratio, or speed, it's a mystery.  It is better wait for your board to come out. -Paul

DIY AstroEQ / Re: Arduino Instructions
« on: December 09, 2014, 22:08:38 »
Hope it is that simple.  I am going back to my counting business tonight. I will let you know.
Actually I was trying to recompose the gear ratio to fool your program but I was not successful at all.


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