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Messages - NathanC

Pages: [1]
AstroEQ Support / Re: Motors only turn in slew/high speed.
« on: July 01, 2019, 22:09:15 »
So I was “that guy”. You know, the one who says he checked everything…  ;D I spent a day trying to figure it out because I knew it had to be something simple and something I could figure out. And even though I checked all the wiring with a multimeter (several times), turns out it was the 6P CAT connectors. The same pin on both wires was loose. Giving good readings at some angles but not in the angle that mattered. Guess it is time for a new CAT wire crimp tool. All is well again and back to running the TMC2100s. If only there were clear skies...

AstroEQ Support / Motors only turn in slew/high speed.
« on: June 28, 2019, 22:58:40 »
I had a pre-built AstroEQ controller (by Tom) with added-on TMC2100s but, my laptop croaked one day (npt while using the telescope). Fast forward a year or so, I've set up a new laptop (fresh Windows 10 Pro) just for the scope. Physically, the scope and equip hasn't changed at all and was let in good running condition. After setting all the software back up, using my old/working config file, and allowing AstroEQ to update to the newest firmware (multiple times), I am having issues. Everything connects and runs fine however, the motors just groan loudly (without moving) on any speed other than slew/high speed. Even then it groans for a few seconds before starting to move as normal. I did a dance with swapping out different firmwares (as far back as I could), adjusted vref, checked wires, and even switched back to the DRV8825s. After a full day of trying everything I can think of, I am stumped. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


AstroEQ Support / Re: Those who are using TMC2100s
« on: November 02, 2018, 16:40:45 »
Seems my steppers just don't like spreadcycle. Changing vref did little to help. Since I installed all the cfg pins on the TMC2100s, without having looked at the code in AstroEQ or the datasheet for the TMC2100s, I just pulled the jumper pins to force the tracking into stealthchop. Slewing is still a bit whiny but tracking is now dead silent. At some point, I will probably just remove both cfg pins and see how the system works completely in stealthchop (plenty of torque in the custom gearing, I think). We'll see how that works since I can't program to save my life!

AstroEQ Support / Re: Those who are using TMC2100s
« on: October 30, 2018, 20:11:12 »
The TMC2100s are installed. However, there is a horrible high-pitched whining sound throughout them being powered up. Anyone have this issue and have figured out how to solve it? Besides the squealing, the movements (both slew and tracking) are dead silent. I have not done a night of tracking yet so, can't comment on the real world action.

AstroEQ Support / Those who are using TMC2100s
« on: October 17, 2018, 19:18:35 »
I am interested in knowing people's opinion(s) of the good and bad of switching over to the TMC2100 drivers. I'm mostly interested in quieting down my motors, as I am happy with the way the everything else works. What settings have you settled with (as far as stealthChop and/or spreadCycle) and their related pin configurations. I am currently running 0.9deg 1.8A steppers so it sounds like my resolution shouldn't suffer much and the TMCs will make up for their lack of current abilities.

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