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Messages - mleafe

Pages: [1]
Thanks so much for the reply and pointing me in the right direction.
I had misunderstood, thinking it would work with Sky-watcher synscan.

I managed to get EQMOD installed and working, and then we found https://www.lightvortexastronomy.com/tutorial-setting-up-an-equatorial-mount-on-ascom-with-eqmod-stellarium-and-cartes-du-ciel.html for getting it to work with Stellarium.

I can see messages going back and forth now when moving the telescope from within Stellarium.



My father-in-law's telescope controller blew up, and due to the lockdown, I am trying to assist him in making a DIY AstroEQ using a spare arduino Mega I have.
I have programmed the mega using the Config Utility (after having updated the bootloader using the latest Arduino IDE). I used also programmed a sample EEPROM config.

At the moment I just have the Mega and no other components. I wanted to check I could flash it first and get it to communicate with Sterllarium before he orders the rest of the components.

If I set the device model to "Sky-watcher synscan AZ GOTO" in Stellarium it sends the character 'e' when the connection starts. There's no response from the Mega.
(see attachment Sky-watcher_synscan_AZ_GOTO.png).

If I set the device model to "Meade AutoStar compatible" in Stellarium it sends the characters '#:GR#' when the connection starts. The Mega's response is '!' and a carriage return. I assume this is a error response?
(see attachment Meade_AutoStar_compatible.png).

The inbuilt LED (pin 13) on the Mega flashes when serial data is sent from the PC.
I had expected to see some sort of response to the 'e' message.

I tried looking at the code in github, but it's a bit complicated for me to follow.
Is what I'm seeing correct? I wonder if I need the motor controllers to be connected for this to work?

Thanks to anyone who can provide advice.

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