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General Discussion / Re: Synscan App, desktop and mobile
« on: December 12, 2021, 17:53:06 »
Thanks for the reply - sorry i've only just got to it!
Long story short - i implemented my own wifi bridge to receive and pump the software commands to the AstroEq. Appears to work from the mobile app - although establishing a connection to the mount can be a bit flakey. Once i get some time, and the will to start reviewing logged IP packets in detail again, i'll implement the station/bridge settings and update of SSID. I've eventually got there by implementing a bit of error detection in the Wifi receiver to detect malformed responses and request a resend. If any has any interest i can post the github / hardware design.
Long story short - i implemented my own wifi bridge to receive and pump the software commands to the AstroEq. Appears to work from the mobile app - although establishing a connection to the mount can be a bit flakey. Once i get some time, and the will to start reviewing logged IP packets in detail again, i'll implement the station/bridge settings and update of SSID. I've eventually got there by implementing a bit of error detection in the Wifi receiver to detect malformed responses and request a resend. If any has any interest i can post the github / hardware design.
DIY AstroEQ / WIFI Adapter build - working with SynScan Desktop and Mobile Apps
« on: March 08, 2021, 12:53:10 »
Hi All,
For anyone that's interested - i've implemented a WiFi bridge to the AstroEQ hardware that will connect to the Serial communication pins, but allow pairing/control from a Desktop running SkyWatcher's SynScan app, or Android Device running the SyScan mobile app.
The code is at:
It's built on a Node ESP8266 card (this one specifically: https://
You may need to tweak the timeout settings in the App to get a connection... and the app is a bit "chatty" when establishing - but it does connect, and drive the scope. I haven't had a chance to test it out properly yet, due to COVID restrictions (the Scope it is for is my father's and at the other end if the country) - but it all seems good on the bench.
Not supported: Bridging on to existing network, any AT commands other than report mode.
For anyone that's interested - i've implemented a WiFi bridge to the AstroEQ hardware that will connect to the Serial communication pins, but allow pairing/control from a Desktop running SkyWatcher's SynScan app, or Android Device running the SyScan mobile app.
The code is at:
It's built on a Node ESP8266 card (this one specifically: https://
You may need to tweak the timeout settings in the App to get a connection... and the app is a bit "chatty" when establishing - but it does connect, and drive the scope. I haven't had a chance to test it out properly yet, due to COVID restrictions (the Scope it is for is my father's and at the other end if the country) - but it all seems good on the bench.
Not supported: Bridging on to existing network, any AT commands other than report mode.
General Discussion / Synscan App, desktop and mobile
« on: December 28, 2020, 16:52:36 »
Hi, I've had a good poke around on the forums, and can't find anyone who's owned up to trying this.... So I've built a DIY astroeq, which works a charm (Thanks Tom).. and recently I've been tinkering around with driver software. The Windows desktop SynscanPro app with connect (serial over usb) to the astroeq, and calibration, goto and tracking all appear to work well. However, if like to be able to use the mobile app over wifi. I've pinched a design for a clone skywatcher wifi module, based on an esp8266 - essentially working as a TCP/serial interface, but the app won't connect to the astroeq. Is it as needing to shift the UART off the (not connected) USB to a different set of pins? Or am I being hopelessly optimistic?
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