Hi Tom,
An apology is not necessary. My enthusiasm makes me impatient.
Instead I have to say sorry about the crash of the forum.

I re-posted the picture of my telescope. Hopefully it goes well now.
When I started building my telescope I was intended to use only a steppermotor on the RA axis for automatic tracking of the stars (Autoguiding). The ratio of the gear behind the steppermotor is 1/100 and the wormwheel at the RA axis has a ratio of 1/361 (That makes a total ratio of 1/36100 at the RA axis).
You understand, I changed my plan and want a goto system for my telescope.
Can I use AstroEQ with such a ratio on the RA axis. In other words, Autoguiding versus rotating (not to slow) the telescope to a new object in the sky)
For the DEC axis I must create another set of gears.
Can you recommend me what kind of ratio desirable is for the gear in combination with astroEQ? (in between ratio.... and ratio....)
Perhaps you have got experience which ratio works well?
Hopefully my story and the questions are a bit obvious. otherwise, say it to me.
My knowledge of the English language is not my strongest point.